As you can probably tell by the title of this post, today I'm going to be talking about some bad beauty habits that I want to break (some of them are more 'beauty resoultions'). The best result would be that I kick all these bad habits for good, but for now at least, I'm giving myself 1 month to clean up my act...
1) Washing my face regularly
You're going to think this is gross, but I'm really bad at washing my face morning and night with facewash. I currently use rub in cleansing lotion, but I never feel as clean if I only do that, so my goal is to get washing!
2) Touching my face all the time
Pretty self-explanatory. Hands pick up a lot of bacteria. I put my hands on my face many, many times a day. This = bacteria on my face.
3) Picking Spots
Just yesterday I was sat in front of the mirror trying to cover up a lovely red spot that's former on my forehead, and I ended up picking a bit off (ughhrg) and making it look even worse than it already did. Plus, it's not that hygienic. So no more picking.
4) Use Spot Treatments
I haven't yet found my holy-grail spot zapper, but I have got some that work pretty well.That in mind, I mean to use them every night but... I usually forget a wake up with spots the same as yesterday, sigh.
5) More water, less chocolate
Ask you can probably tell now, I'm really pushing to get my skin-care revamp resolution going! So my next habit/goal is to eat less chocolate (causes spots) and drink more water (prevents - kind of - spots).
6) Not looking after nails
My nails never seem to be looking good! They've either got dirt in them, chipped nail varnish, un-filed edges, messed up cuticles... I could go on. So this month I'm going to file, buff, polish, and generally take care of my nails every day.

7) Not keeping to hair washing schedule
Yes, I have a hair washing schedule, and yep, that does makes me sound insane. I plan to wash my hair every other day, but that plan isn't always 100% effective. So this month I want to keep to my routine without fail .... (which leads me onto next point)
8) Heat Protectant + Deep Condition hair once a week
I use quite a lot of heat on my hair, which is bad I know but.... what can a girl do? To at least do some good, I need to use high-quality heat protectant every time I use heat stylers and deep condition my hair once a week.
9) Go to bed on time
Going to bed late will make me a. insanely tired and since I have to get up at 6 everyday, that ain't a good thing, or b. look like a panda. Or both. So going to bed on time should have benefits all round!
10) Not buy so many products!
I'm one of those girls who just can't stop spending....
This time next month I'll check back in and tell you how I did!
What bad beauty habits do you want to break?
Good luck with your plans, they are all very important. How does the hair schedule work for you? I wash my hair every day... xx
ah good luck to you! i am still thinking about stuff to break/resolutions. but i should really start -
ReplyDeletewashing my face every day
touching it
drink more water and sleep!
my sleeping pattern is so messed up, it's been like that for years. i'd go to bed at ridiculous hours.. :( x
@Ms Jelena Thanks! I hope I can do it :) I basically wash my hair every other day and then deep condition once a week and try to keep it heat free for the day after.. not that much of a schedule aha
ReplyDelete@Charlotee Thanks! Good luck with your resolutions, I hope we see results :)
I need to moisturise every night, I have a fab moisturiser but only use it when I remember. I use a fabulous spot treatment called Nixoderm (you can buy it from Ebay Ihave posted about it on my blog )